A sordid little story of a notorious bar in Allentown PA. Steve is accompanied by John Cannavo on lead guitar
“Jersey Plates” by Steve Brosky
accompanied by John Cannavo, Steve performs his original song
“The Untenured Professor” by The Crybabies
fragment of song composed and sung by Fred Afrord featuring Steve Forman on bass, William Tanner on drums, and Andy
“In A Heartbeat” by The Crybabies
Andy Lang provides lead guitar and harmony vocals for Fred Alford’s original song.
“Mother” by Edgar Gorre and the Nevermores
original song by Gus Smith, guitar and vocals, with Alex Smith on bass and Luke Zweifel on drums
“Newburg Drive” featuring Jim Steager and Jeffery Beck
Joyful celebration captured at a home on Newburg Avenue in Pennsylvania. Jim Steager on guitar, Jeffrey Beck on keyboard,
“Michael Row the Boat Ashore’
classic folksong covered by Peter Cheplick (sitting) and Fred Alford with Timoteo on percussion